Friday, January 25, 2013

Hey February! I'm looking at you.

Dear January,

I stumbled into the month of January (3, 2, 1, hap-py New Year!) with one small resolution. But you know, not really a resolution because those don't last past March. I wanted to start this year as a more responsible adult. Getting a speeding ticket, scalding and scratching one of my brand new pots, breaking a dish and putting a bright red wool jacket in the washing machine with Tucker's clothes were not on the "more responsible adult" to-do list.

January, I was thinking a responsible adult would not walk past a mess of toys, would not leave clothes in the dryer for two days, would not waste produce, and, you know, recycle more often. And January, I was thinking a responsible adult would run a home that was free of croup, strep and RSV.

So. January. Time's up. I'm going to do a countdown to February and hope to start fresh!

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